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Religious Studies; Statistical and Numeric Data
This website provides tens of thousands of adherent statistics and religious geography citations--references to published membership and congregational statistics for over 4,200 religions, churches, denominations, religious bodies, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, concerns, etc.
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go.worldbank.org + 3 more sources
African Studies; Statistical and Numeric Data; Economics and Business; Government Information: International and Foreign
African development indicators (Print)
At the Library:
Green » InfoCenter: Statistics Shelves (Non-circulating) » HC800 .A1 A356 ... in-library use only
Green » Stacks » HC800 .A1 A356 ...
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Geography; Statistical and Numeric Data; Government Information: United States
American FactFinder is a new data access and dissemination system that provides useful facts and information about your community, your economy, and your society. The system will find and retrieve the information you need from some of the Census Bureau's largest data sets.
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Statistical and Numeric Data; Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
The AmericasBarometer is the only survey of democratic public opinion and behavior that covers the Americas. It is an effort by LAPOP to measure democratic values and behaviors in the Americas using national probability samples of voting-age adults.
Corporate Author:
Latin American Public Opinion Project.
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Statistical and Numeric Data; Economics and Business
At the Library:
Green » Social Science Data and Software - Velma Denning Room (non-circulating) » HG3882 .B342 ... in-library use only
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Government Information: United States; Statistical and Numeric Data; Economics and Business
BEA is an agency of the Department of Commerce. Along with the Census Bureau, BEA is part of the Department's Economics and Statistics Administration. BEA produces economic accounts statistics that enable government and business decision-makers, researchers, and the American public to follow and understand the performance of the Nation's economy. To do this, BEA collects source data, conducts research and analysis, develops and implements estimation methodologies, and disseminates statistics to the public. BEA is one of the world's leading statistical agencies. BEA prepares national, regional, industry, and international accounts that present essential information on such key issues as economic growth, regional economic development, interindustry relationships, and the Nation's position in the world economy. BEA produces some of the most closely watched economic statistics that influence the decisions made by government officials, business people, households, and individuals. BEA's economic statistics, which provide a comprehensive, up-to-date picture of the U.S. economy, are key ingredients in critical decisions affecting monetary policy, tax and budget projections, and business investment plans. The cornerstone of BEA's statistics is the national income and product accounts (NIPAs), which feature the estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) and related measures.
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Economics and Business; Government Information: International and Foreign; Statistical and Numeric Data
Presents links to data or bibliographic records for data compiled by or sponsored by the ILO, along with data from national statistical agencies and other sources.
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Statistical and Numeric Data; Economics and Business; Government Information: International and Foreign; East Asia Studies
Comprehensive database Web site focusing on economic statistics of China, arranged by regions and categories. Includes monthly and yearly reports on China's macroeconomic development, statistical databases about China's population and economy at the county and city level, and financial indicators of more than 568 industrial branches. Also includes statistical yearbooks, census data, industrial and marketing surveys, and an atlas of China.
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Geography; Statistical and Numeric Data; Economics and Business; Government Information: United States
Counting California is a research tool from the California Digital Library that provides users with "one-stop-shopping" for government data and statistics about California. The purpose of Counting California is to enhance California citizens' access to the growing range of social science and economic data that government agencies produce. In a departure from more static formats, this database's interface will allow users to access the actual raw data compiled by federal, state, and local government agencies. Counting California allows users to simultaneously search or browse data from several different government produced datasets. Users can collate and integrate data by topic, geography, title, and provider.
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History; Geography; Statistical and Numeric Data; Economics and Business; Language; Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies; Government Information: International and Foreign
Provides up-to-date information and news on 192 countries of the world. Includes political, economic, and business information for its clients in the form of Country Reviews and the Country Wire. Country Reviews provides a political and economic survey for each of the 192 countries. Country Wire provides online information updates from ten international news organizations; CountryWatch staff provides periodic data updates on the latest political, economic, corporate and environmental topics for individual countries. Country Bazaar provides sales information for a selection of country-specific books and music from around the world.
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American History; Statistical and Numeric Data; Political Science; Government Information: United States
Integrates data, authoritative analyses, concise explanations, and historical material to provide a research and reference tool on voting and elections in America. From the American voter, to major and minor political parties, to actual races for Congress, the presidency, and governorships, the collection provides context-driven intelligence on the state of elections in America. Chronological coverage varies by office. Presidential coverage begins 1789. Election data can be downloaded.
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Statistical and Numeric Data; Mathematical Sciences
Contains bibliographic citations to publications in statistics and related fields. As of 2003, the database indexes the entire contents of 162 core journals, selected articles from about 1200 additional journals (cumulatively), and approximately 11,000 proceedings or edited books.
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Social Sciences (General); Statistical and Numeric Data
A web-based tool that allows users to find and extract variables from selected datasets within the Stanford University Libraries' social science numeric data collection.
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Law; Government Information: International and Foreign; Statistical and Numeric Data
"The Database of conditions of work and employment laws contains comprehensive legal information from countries around the world. It covers legislation on maternity protection, minimum wages and working time. You can conduct customized research on a specific country of compare the legislation of several countries on a particular subject."
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Government Information: International and Foreign; Statistical and Numeric Data; French and Italian Studies; Law
The Government of France's Open Data platform. Access over 350,000 datasets from over 90 producers, on topics such as agriculture, climate, culture, defense, demographics, education, environment, government finance, transit, and urban development. Datasets are available in a variety of formats, primarily .csv and .xls. Time periods vary depending on the data. Note: website is in French; Chrome browser translates the site fairly well.
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Statistical and Numeric Data; Government Information: United States; American History; Geography; Economics and Business; Political Science
The purpose of Data.gov is to increase public access to high value, machine readable datasets generated by the Executive Branch of the United States federal government. Data.gov includes a searchable data catalog that includes access to data in two ways: through the "raw" data catalog and using tools. Please note that by accessing datasets or tools offered on Data.gov, you agree to the Data Policy, which you should read before accessing any dataset or tool.
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Statistical and Numeric Data; Economics and Business
Time series data on the distribution of approximately 182 countries' exports and imports by partner countries and areas.
Direction of trade statistics (CD-ROM)
At the Library:
Green » Social Science Data and Software - Velma Denning Room (non-circulating) » HG61 .I57 ... in-library use only
Green » Social Science Data and Software - Velma Denning Room (non-circulating) » HG61.I57 ... in-library use only
Green » Social Science Data and Software - Velma Denning Room (non-circulating) » HG61 .I57 MANUAL in-library use only
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Agriculture, Forestry, and Wildlife; Art, Architecture and Design; Biology; Economics and Business; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Environmental Studies; Earth Sciences; News; Medicine; History; Anthropology and Archaeology; Language; Law; Political Science; Mathematical Sciences; Statistical and Numeric Data; Philosophy; Religious Studies; Physics and Astronomy; Science (General); Social Sciences (General); Engineering; History of Science and Technology
Covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. Aims to cover all subjects and languages.
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Earth Sciences; Geography; Statistical and Numeric Data
"Using an innovative approach with Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing, ORNL's LandScan is the community standard for global population distribution. At approximately 1 km resolution (30" X 30"), LandScan is the finest resolution global population distribution data available and represents an ambient population (average over 24 hours). The LandScan algorithm, an R&D 100 Award Winner, uses spatial data and imagery analysis technologies and a multi-variable dasymetric modeling approach to disaggregate census counts within an administrative boundary. Since no single population distribution model can account for the differences in spatial data availability, quality, scale, and accuracy as well as the differences in cultural settlement practices, LandScan population distribution models are tailored to match the data conditions and geographical nature of each individual country and region."--ORNL Web page.
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Statistical and Numeric Data; Economics and Business; Government Information: International and Foreign
An analytical database of worldwide economic indicators and forecasts which covers 115 countries and gives access to 271 economic series and more than 750,000 individual data points. With tools for segmentation, mapping, concentration ranking, and distribution of selected data.

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